Chornco: Practical Solutions Through Science



Transforming Fuels Into Cost Saving Mitigation Tools for High Volume Fuel Consumers: 
Across Industries - In All Environments - Around the World

Chornco is emerging as the performance leader of fuel additive formulations. Developed to transform fuels into cost saving efficiency and sustainability tools, Chornco additives differentiate themselves by their proven performance results. (Click here for a synopsis of representative trial results.)

  • Self paying non toxic solutions
  • Practical application protocols
  • 100% compatible
  • Fuels remain within specification

Direct Benefits
Residual & Blends
Distillates & Blends
2083 Cold Flow
Distillates & Blends
Solids (pellets & sticks)
Reduced Fuel Consumption
Reduced Exhaust Emissions
Reduced Particulates
Reduced Carbon Formation
Improved Ignition Properties (cetane)
Increased Lubricity
Water & Microbial Contamination Control
Oxidation Control & Colour Stability
Acid Control & Reduced Corrosion
Ashless Dispersant
Improved Blend Compatibility
Cold Fuel Filter Plugging (CFFP) to -22°C
Lower Exhaust Temperatures
Lower Fuel Handling Temperatures
Improved Combustion of Waste Oil

Each fuel specific additive delivers a package of integrated benefits that are unique in their ability to solve fuel derived problems from point of storage through combustion. The additives are non toxic, non hazardous, organic compounds of hydrocarbon nature that are ashless and metal free.
Watch the below videos to learn how Chornco’s integrated multifunction benefits really do the job.

Heritage - Pole to Pole Expeditions
Argos - Antarctic Fishing
Power Hire - Generated Power